Privacy Policy

The following policy sets out GREG PIER privacy policy with respect to personal data and cookies on the Gregpier. com website (the "Site").

This Privacy Policy applies to all information provided by you, or collected by us when you browse our Site.

GREG PIER respects your concerns about the confidentiality of the information you provide to us.

By providing us with your personal information and data, you consent to our use, review and, where applicable, disclose your personal information and data for the purpose of processing your requests for newsletters or orders for GREG PIER products via the Site. Therefore, we encourage you to read this Charter very carefully. 



through the Site, you may communicate personal data to GREG PIER, in particular when ordering GREG PIER products and/or subscribing to our newsletter.

Any personal information that you may transmit to GREG PIER for the use of certain services is subject, in particular, to the provisions of Law n° 78-17 Informatique et Libertés du 06 janvier 1978 as amended by the law of 06 August 2004.

In addition, GREG PIER may collect certain information relating to your browsing on our Site, under the conditions more fully described in the "Cookies" section below.



You have the right to access, rectify or delete your personal data and the possibility to object to the processing of these data, which you can exercise at any time:

For the newsletter by using the unsubscribe link in each electronic newsletter sent to you.

You may ask any questions about the management of your personal information on the Site by sending an email to Customer Service, clicking on the "Customer Service" hyperlink or by mail to 

GREG PIER 4, Boulevard de Cimiez - 06000 Nice - France



.1 Purposes of data collection

Through the Site, GREG PIER processes data concerning you that are strictly necessary for the following purposes:  

- Manage your newsletter subscription (registration and un-subscriptions), 

- Manage your newsletter subscription,

- Execution and follow-up of your orders for GREG PIER products placed on our site, 

- Creation of anonymous statistics on the number of visitors to our Site, 

- Allow access to certain features of our Site.

- Subject to your prior agreement, in order to communicate to you information about our company and its activity, its products and/or services and commercial prospecting messages,

- Conducting surveys and polls with your agreement.

The information that we collect to ensure these purposes and that is essential for us to respond to your requests are (mainly your name, surname, first name, postal address, e-mail and, if applicable, bank details). If you do not fill in these mandatory fields, we will not be able to respond to your requests..


3.2 Data retention

The data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected:

- For the management of your newsletter subscription: we keep the data as long as your subscription is active. As soon as we receive your unsubscribe request, we will deactivate the sending of newsletters.

- For orders for GREG PIER products: we store the data collected for the purpose of fulfilling your order, then for the time required to establish proof of a right or contract; this data may be archived in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code relating to the retention period of books and documents created in connection with commercial activities and the Consumer Code relating to the retention of contracts concluded by electronic means.


3.3 Data Recipients

Your personal data are intended for use by GREG PIER. However:

- When you place an order for a product on the Site, the personal data that you provide in connection with the order are sent to GREG PIER in charge of executing the order, in accordance with the provisions set out in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale available on the Site.

In any case, GREG PIER will only pass on your personal data to a third party if: 

- You have given us your prior consent to the sharing of this information, or

- GREG PIER must share this information with third parties to provide the service you request, or

- GREG PIER is summoned by a judicial or any other administrative authority to communicate the information to it.

.4 Security and confidentiality of data

GREG PIER has made every effort to take all necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality and security of the personal data processed and to prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or accessed by unauthorised third parties. 

However, the company does not control all the risks associated with the operation of the Internet and draws the attention of Internet users to the existence of any risks inherent in its use and operation.

For the technical storage of your personal data, your data will be centralized:

MonacoLab - Monaco 98000 and



4.1 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file that may be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your Terminal* when you visit an online service using your browser software. A cookie file allows its sender to identify the terminal in which it is stored, during the period of validity or registration of the cookie.

*Terminal refers to the hardware equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone...) that you use to view or display a site, an application, advertising content, etc.


4.2 The Cookies that we issue on our site

When you connect to our Site, we may, subject to your choices, install various cookies in your Terminal allowing us to recognize the browser of your Terminal during the validity period of the cookie concerned.

The purpose of the cookies we issue is to: 

- to compile statistics and volumes of traffic and usage of the various elements composing our Site (headings and visited contents, itinerary), enabling us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services, as well as the visibility of the contents we publish; 

- to allow or facilitate your browsing on the Site, or to provide you with the online communication services you request while browsing the Site, and so: 

- adapt the presentation of our Site to the display preferences of your device (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our Site, depending on the hardware and software used to view or 

read your device; 

- to store information relating to a form you have filled in on our Site, registration or products, or to information you have chosen on our Site (content of an order basket, a wishlist etc.). 


4.3 Cookies issued on our site by third parties

The issuance and use of cookies by third parties is subject to the privacy policies of such third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies that we are aware of and the means you have at your disposal to make choices regarding these cookies. 


4.3.1 Cookies issued by third party applications integrated into our Site   

We may include on our Site third-party computer applications that allow you to share content from our Site with others or to share your views or opinions about content on our Site with others.

This is the case with the "Like","Share"buttons, from social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you with this button, even if you did not use this button when you visited our Site. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network concerned to track your browsing on our Site, simply because your account with the social network concerned was activated on your Terminal (open session) while you were browsing our Site. 

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal data they hold. We invite you to consult the privacy policies of these social networks in order to take note of the purposes of use, in particular advertising, of the navigation information that they may collect thanks to these application buttons. These protection policies must allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, in particular by setting up your usage accounts for each of these networks 


4.3.2 Cookies issued on our site by third parties  

Our Site is likely to contain cookies issued by third parties (communication agency, audience measurement company, etc.) and allowing them, during the validity period of these cookies, to collect navigation information relating to the Terminals consulting our Site, and in particular to measure the effectiveness of our paid referencing campaigns with search engines.

4.4 Your choices regarding cookies

There are several ways to manage cookies. Any settings you may make may affect your browsing on the Internet and your access conditions to certain services that require the use of Cookies. 

You can choose at any time to express and change your cookie preferences by the means described below. 


4.4.1 Choices offered by your browser software

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored in your Terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their sender. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or refusing cookies from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be stored in your terminal. For more information, see "How do you make your choices, depending on the browser you use?" 


(a) The Cookies Agreement 

The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subordinated to the will of the user of the terminal, which can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered by its browser software. 

If you have accepted cookies in your browser, the cookies embedded in the pages and contents you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated area of your terminal. They will only be readable by their transmitter. 


(b) The refusal of Cookies 

If you refuse to accept cookies in your Terminal, or if you delete cookies stored in your Terminal, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of features that are nevertheless necessary to navigate in certain areas of our Site. 

This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services that require your identification. This would also be the case if we or our service providers could not recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected to the Internet. 

If necessary, we cannot be held responsible for the consequences of the degraded functioning of our services resulting from our inability to save or consult the cookies necessary for their functioning and that you have refused or deleted. 


(c) How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you are using? 

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will let you know how to change your cookie preferences. 


For Mozilla Firefox: 
1. Go to "Tools" then "Options" menu
2. Click on the "Privacy" settings
3. Select your preferred option on the "Cookie" menu

For Microsoft Internet Explorer: 
1. Go to "Tools" menu, then "Internet Options"
2. Click on "Confidentiality"
3. Select your preferred level of confidentiality

For Opera: 
1. Go to "Files" > "Preferences"
2. Click on "Privacy"

For Android browser: 
1. Tap on the upper right button
2. Go to "Settings" then "Privacy & security menu"
3. Select your preferred option

For Dolphin Browser on Android: 
1. In the Menu, go to "More" then "Settings"
2. Select the "Privacy & security settings" menu
3. Select you preferred option in the "cookies" menu

For Safari on iOS: 
1. In the "Settings" app, go to "Safari" menu
2. Go to "Accept cookies" entry under "Privacy"
3. Select your preferred option


4.5 If you share the use of your terminal with other people

If your terminal is used by more than one person and the same terminal has multiple browsers, we cannot be certain that the services and advertisements for your terminal are consistent with your own use of that terminal and not the use of another user of that terminal. 

If necessary, sharing the use of your Terminal with other people and configuring your browser settings with respect to cookies is your own choice and responsibility. 



REG PIER may modify its Privacy Policy. We will make sure that you are informed of these changes either by a special mention on our website or by a personalised warning, especially when sending newsletters